Creative Company - an Artisan-Run Co-op since 1989

Our store in Merritt, BC is operated and staffed by local crafters and artisans all living in the Nicola Valley region.

In October 1989 Creative Company members voted to become a co-operative organization in the true sense of the word. There is no designated leader and all decisions that may affect the future of the group are voted upon in a democratic fashion. Therefore, each and every member does what is required to make the store and its other endeavours a success.

New members are juried in by the group to maintain our goals of variety and good quality. The store relies on its members to put in the required amount of shifts per month as well as participate in other projects that may bear the name Creative Company. The time needed for active participation is a small price to pay for having an outlet to display and sell our creative works.

Creative Company has been in existence for 23 years and the store gets better and better. When we relocated to the main business section of Merritt, the new facility doubled our display space. We now have the capacity for up to 18 members displaying a wider variety of locally-created works, including painting, quilting, stained glass, jewellery, weaving, sewing, pottery, photography and handmade cards. 

Aoril 2011

Creative Company of the past...
Left: Our first location on Garcia St.
Right:  Our second location now part of Legacy Square at Voght and Granite Streets.

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